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  • Writer's pictureA Metalhead's Poetry

Honoring the Left-Handed

For centuries, seen as bad

Changes forced upon the young

Left hand punished, teacher glad

For those forced to change it's the saddest song sung

Now lefties are accepted by society

But there is still a long way to go

The changes are slow and hard to see

Still seen as weird by those who don't know

Instruments hard to find

Some tools hard to use

Lefties have a secret that together they bind

Lefties are no longer a joke to amuse

Together they are part of a whole

The few amongst the population

They stand united like fish in a shoal

It is time to reveal this revolution

It is time to rise up and take a stand

For the longest time the left-handed were seen as lesser beings

Show them there is nothing wrong with using the left hand

Show the world we are the kings and queens

©Josh West

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