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Fairy of Vengeance (The Conclusion)

Here before time was born Now the solitary member of a magical race Colourful soul grown forlorn The vow of vengeance on her face Now...

Fairy of Vengeance (The Beginning)

On your hand a mythical creature is felt Upon your palm a being proudly stands Looking at it and all anguish seems to melt Just standing...


Watch in terrified fear Where you belong, on your knees The end of all you know drawing near Tears stain your face as time seems to...

Death Worm

Your body infected Invaded by a parasite In your system, its filth injected Stealing your will to go on, to fight Not sure what is going...

Aging Pirate

Beneath a flag of a skull and crossed bones There was an old man sitting He was talking in booze cracked tones His appearance seemed...

Blog: Blog2

©A metalhead's poetry

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