Beneath a flag of a skull and crossed bones
There was an old man sitting
He was talking in booze cracked tones
His appearance seemed fitting
With just one leg and one arm
But the largest smile around
And eyes that give no signs of alarm
In his presence everyone is bound
He shows to pull up an empty seat
Join the crowd and listen in wonder
His story telling is driven by a beat
He tells of his younger days of plunder
Jumping from one story to the next
He now speaks of how his limbs were lost
His words can almost be seen like floating text
He sees his ancient injuries as a worthy cost
He seems to miss those days of old
In his remembering tears are shed
He still dreams of all that looted gold
Memories of his old ship lodged within his head
He suddenly ends his captivating tales
At the horizon he now lovingly stares
With the skyline studded with sails
He truly misses living life ordered by dares
He has nothing left, just one wish to make
But that wish, out loud he will never say
He feels like he has one quest left to take
Maybe he will take a last quest one day.
©Josh West
Picture credit: wikipedia