You train me to be aggressive and ruthlessly attack
My nature is to please you
Your cold, hardened ways, on my brain they always rack
My instinct is to obey and follow very few
Once ready, training complete I am led to a pit
Sitting staring across the sand at another tortured soul
With the savagery I now possess, this destiny is a perfect fit
Everytime I enter that pit, it leaves its mark, takes its toll
Every saturday I am forced to fight over and over again
In another world, the ones I fight could have been brothers, sisters, friends
You don't care, you watch to see if I win and kill or lose and get slain
Nothing you say or do can filter the message me being here sends
Victory brings no joy, if I lose I die, if I win I get beaten
All I can do is look to the future and hope life will sweeten
Every day I pray I will be set free and have a life truly mine
Forced to fight so often, my wounds never fully heal
I always leave covered with cuts and holes from which blood gushes
Always in such pain that anything else I just can not feel
Now so stiff that I can't react fast enough when my opponent rushes
You boast to all about my every victory
While perfect to you, for me each victory is a burden so heavy
You see my wins as your very own glory
Every soul faced and life taken left a non payable levy
A life of violence, pain and barbaric cries
Because of you, this is the only life I have ever known
When you look at me, that fiery hate in your eyes
Forever reflected by the sadness in my own.
©Josh West