In my chest there is no heart
Nothing to make me love
Around me, my family is falling apart
I ask for help and am given a glove
Is there no hope left for me?
No reason for me to wake
I can't even let me be me
Out of fear of making a mistake
When I am hungry, I am given a stone
When I am thristy, I am given fuel
Then left to suffer on my own
And told I am nothing but a stupid mule
I am told that what happened to me was compassion
And that I should calm down a little
I am told to show my passion
And make my bones brittle
Instead of helping me beat my fear
They just scream and shout
They sit and count every fallen tear
Talking about pulling my tongue out
They said they will be there
And promised not to laugh
But when I talk, all they do is stare
And stab me with a stalf
They said I will always have their love
That they will never make fun
They stand there, hit me with a stolen glove
And dance as my sanity comes undone
They want me to jump when they talk
To sing when they ask
They blind me and tell me to walk
They don't care that it is an impossible task
I am told to get it now
I am ordered to hold it, even if it burns
They want it, but how to get it, I just don't know
Just thinking of it and my stomach churns
I don't care who they are
I don't care why they are here
I wish upon the brightest star
To make them live in fear
Their sands are running out
They can feel it ending
They can't stop it, all they can do is pout
They sit down and cry as their bodies start bending
They caused all the trouble
But all they can do is ask why
As they watch the water bubble
Then try to tell me one more lie
I have finally been set free
All my suffering is done
Everything is new to me
All I want is to have some fun
There is nothing more to worry about
Only people who are kind
No one that will ever doubt
But will make my body and soul bind
There is no one to make me cry anymore
To tell me to go away
No one to throw me into a door
To tell me I am going to pay
My scars are finally healing
My tears have began to end
There is no one left to steal this feeling
My heart just might mend.
©Josh West