You reaching out a trembling hand
Haunted eyes begging for help
Crying words formed in a whispered yelp
An unspoken message to help you stand
In a spreading crimson pool, your knees bent
A smile worn to cover a breaking scream
The figure of a hurt soul, a hollow dream
A period of agony gives a moment of content
Intentions misunderstood, rising conflict
The look given by others, judgement felt
Their twisting knife, the anguish dealt
Only adding to the pain you self inflict
Not wanting to, but doing it all the same
Old wounds pulled open by writhing self hate
This is how you keep your mind sedate
But get looked upon like you playing a game
The fragments of self cast across the floor
A shell of the former you left to clean the mess
A clawing urge to open, expose and confess
Trying to please all but aching so much more
Wishing your hand would not do a physical raid
Doing something you mind thought as strange
Understanding you need to make a change
You reached out, you asked for some aid.
©Josh West