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  • Writer's pictureA Metalhead's Poetry

Dear Darkness

Dear darkness, we meet again old friend

The bond we once shared is stronger now

I missed the comforting chaos you send

You told me what to do, showed me how

The shadow of you upon my furrowed brow

But now you are back, you came back to me

Speaking in a whisper, using borrowed voices

Those words say it is time to create my legacy

Do it now or wait a while are my only choices

But are your words real or made up noises?

But if you are not the darkness I once knew

The friend that kept my feet on the ground

So are you still my friend or something new?

And what is that strange slobbering sound?

Can I still trust you or am I a toy newly found?

There is a strange light gleaming in your eye

A tense energy, I can feel it's waves flow

Why did you come back? Tell me why?

Standing there with your sickening glow

Will I be able to withstand your final blow?

©Josh West

Picture credit: Testament album art

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