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  • Writer's pictureA Metalhead's Poetry

Impending Doom

Witness my unholy rage

Watch as savagery is redefined

The fires of fury burnt alive every mage

Stand and tremble as your world I unwind

This pathetic world, my hatred will cover

Deemed unworthy, all living shall perish

I shall feast on sorrow of every stricken lover

There will be nothing for anyone to cherish

While religion is slowly dying

The righteous have begun to rot

Asking why as skin blisters, they start crying

But all questions are answered by gunshot

As the sun begins to splinter

I say this to you my worthless spawn

All you see will be cast into unyielding winter

Upon this frozen graveland your spirit will be torn

Beg me for salvation so I can refuse

You and your kind, I will crush beneath my heel

With this worldwide slaughter, myself I will amuse

Impending doom, my fondest dreams made real.

©Josh West

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